Andrew Joseph, a double-major junior at Michigan State University, has been accepted into the Presidential Fellows Program, becoming MSU’s 9th Presidential Fellow.

The Presidential Fellows Program offers up to 75 top undergraduate and graduate students from leading colleges and universities across the country a year-long opportunity to study the U.S. Presidency, the public policymaking process, and our Chief Executive’s relations with Congress, allies, the media, and the American public.
Joseph is majoring in media and information in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences and Arabic in the College of Arts & Letters. He’s from Farmington Hills, Michigan.
“Net neutrality and freedom of speech online have become the topics of heated debate in Congress and by President Obama,” Joseph said. “I would like to be a Presidential Fellow in order to prepare myself to address these topics through new policies and regulations as well as research the history of previous presidential and congressional decisions influencing the telecommunications and media sector.”
Joseph has previously been awarded the Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Education, as well as the Ira & Jennie Greene Endowed Scholarship from the Department of Communication in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences.
He has worked as a video team crew member for WDBM in East Lansing, as well as camera operator for MSU Spartan Vision. He currently is with Peckham Inc. as part of a video internship. Joseph is also a member of the Arabic Language Flagship Program at MSU.
“Andrew’s enthusiasm for research as it relates to the media has already led him to produce two case studies that reviewed data mining at Google and Adobe’s security breach in 2013,” said Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, dean of the MSU Honors College. “His interest in telecommunications and what effect policies have on the sector make him a good fit for the Presidential Fellows Program and we congratulate him on achieving this distinction.”
The National and International Fellowship and Scholarship (NIFS) Office at Michigan State University, administered by the Honors College, helps interested undergraduate and graduate students to pursue major national and international opportunities by providing information and direct support throughout the competitive application processes. The Honors College serves academically talented, committed students who wish to pursue and achieve academic excellence.